Flight instructor training

Instructor training FI(A)

To access the flight instructor course, the candidate must hold a PPL with a minimum of 400 flight hours or a CPL with a minimum of 200 flight hours

A flight test of one hour with an instructor will be done before accessing the course

The candidate must have a minimum of 6 flight hours within the 6 months before the flight test

The training is composed of a theoretical part of 125 hours and a practical one of minimum 30 hours (25h with an instructeur and 5 mutual)

You can perform your flight hours on Sonaca 200 or Diamond DA40.

Sonaca 200: 199,65€/h block time VAT Incl.

Diamond DA40: 253,37€/h VAT Incl.

The instruction is 112,50€/h VAT Incl.

Refresh Course FI 

The Refresh Course FI includes 16h of theoretical courses.

Price: 250€ VAT Excl.

IRI(A) Training Course 

The qualification includes 30h of theoretical courses and 10h flight

CRI(A) Training Course 

The qualification includes 7h of theoretical courses and 11h flight